Aphids on roses: how to fight? Folk remedies and chemicals

Properly organized rose garden will be able to decorate any site. But such delicate and beautiful flowers are susceptible to attacks by various pests. The most common question is: aphids on roses - how to fight. Folk remedies and modern drugs can destroy colonies. And in order to no longer have to do this routine work and keep the rosary attractive, it is necessary to understand where aphids come from and what can become an obstacle for it. All this will be discussed in this article.

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What is aphid?

Aphids are small insects, the size of which does not exceed 2 mm. To determine this type of pests is not difficult - they have an ovoid shape of the body, soft and easily crushable. The legs of each individual are long, but at the same time they move extremely slowly. The color of the pests can be green and black.

Important! Depending on the subspecies, aphids can have wings or be wingless.

Aphids reproduce very quickly - after only one fertilization, the female is able to produce offspring of up to 150 larvae every 2 weeks. It can get on plants both independently (if it is a flying species), and “come” on ants. For these insects, aphids are a kind of “milking cows”, which is why they contribute to the creation of colonies to obtain nutritious nectar and plant juice.

Important! The fight against aphids should be immediate at the first sighted individuals, since its habitat can be all parts of the flower - bud, stem, leaves, shoot tip.

In addition, from roses it can move to other cultures, then another question will arise - how to get rid of aphids on peppers, which will also need to be solved promptly. Otherwise, the crop will suffer.

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What is the danger of aphids on roses?

Aphids on roses: how to fight? Folk remedies and chemicalsYoung gardeners do not see any particular problems, if aphids appear on roses, the harm from it is often underestimated. And in vain.

The fight against aphids in the garden must be carried out for the following reasons:

  1. Small pests suck juice from all parts of the plant. This becomes the cause of wilting, growth retardation, loss of the external attractiveness of the plant due to a lack of “vitality”.
  2. Damaged aphids flowers most often cannot survive the winter. So - next year you will have to spend money on new seedlings and again engage in the laborious work of restoring the landscape decor.
  3. Aphids carry various viral diseases. For example, after its settlement, plants die from black soot dew.
  4. Vital products of aphids clog the leaves and stalk of the plant, making it difficult to breathe.

Important! In any case, if aphid appeared on roses - you need to know how to fight. And you can apply those methods that will be more convenient just for you and commensurate with the possible spending of your free time. Otherwise, why was it necessary to carry out the laborious work of planting roses, if now they are not to be looked after?

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How to detect aphids?

Aphids can be noticed very easily, since usually it appears immediately with whole "herds", and even the small size of the pests does not give them the slightest chance to go unnoticed.

But to understand that aphid appeared on roses and you need to think about how to get rid of it, the following signs of the state of the plants themselves will help:

  • the tops of the shoots quickly deform;
  • the leaves curl and turn yellow;
  • sweet and sticky juice is present on the leaves and shoots - waste products of pests;
  • roses are quickly affected by fungi;
  • near the rosary there is an anthill.

Important! Usually all these signs appear in the complex, but there may be a gradual damage to plants. Therefore, even if you found one of the listed factors on your garden roses, it is time to urgently look for a remedy for aphids and apply it.

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Aphids on roses - how to fight? Folk remedies

To get rid of aphids on roses, as well as on peppers and other crops, you can try to use initially folk remedies. They do not so adversely affect the condition of plants as even the safest, at first glance, chemical products. For this, several recipes are suitable.

Wormwood decoction

To prepare such a tool, it is enough to fill in fresh or dry grass of wormwood with water in a proportion of 2 kg or 700 g (for a dry product) 10 liters, boil and leave to brew. To get rid of aphids, it is necessary to carry out 2-3 treatments of plants, maintaining an interval of 1-1.5 weeks.

Important! An alternative wormwood remedy for aphids on roses can be other available herbs:

  • yarrow;
  • bitter pepper;
  • dandelion;
  • tops of tomatoes;
  • mustard;
  • rhubarb;
  • the thyroid.

Ash and tar

Aphids on roses: how to fight? Folk remedies and chemicalsEqually effective is the remedy for aphids on roses, prepared according to one of the following recipes:

  • 300 g of ash per 1 liter of water;
  • 10 g tar soap in 1 liter of water.

Important! Before using such a decoction, it must be diluted with water to a volume of 10 liters.

Garlic or onion

Garlic and onions have a very specific flavor, which is extremely unpleasant for this type of pest. To prepare a remedy for aphids from such plants, you need to take:

  • 4 g of laundry soap;
  • 30 g of crushed product;
  • 1 liter of water.

Everything mixes, boils, insists. Then - the affected cultures are sprayed with this solution.

Important! The simplest aphid remedy is saline, which can also give a quick result. Spraying with the use of such a solution, as with any other recipe, is performed 3 times every 10 days.

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Aphid insecticides on roses - are they needed?

Folk remedies are good for their harmlessness and simplicity, cheapness, accessibility. If the result was ineffective or the damage to the aphids is very significant, you will still have to use special insecticides.

For this purpose, such aphid preparations in the garden are suitable:

  • "Fufanon";
  • “Karbofos”;
  • “Actellik”;
  • “Acarin”;
  • “Bankol”;
  • “Biotlin”;
  • “Aktara”;
  • “Tanrek”.

Important! When using any chemical, be sure to carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer, clearly follow the dosage and frequency of processing, perform all the spraying procedures on roses only in personal protective equipment - gloves, respirator, headgear and a tightly closed suit. Do not allow aphids to get on the skin, mucous membranes.

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How to prevent the appearance of aphids on roses?

Once the fight against aphids has been successfully completed and your roses have recovered, immediately take preventative measures.

Important! It is even better to do this directly in the process of planting crops in order to prevent infection.

Prevention measures:

  1. Plant dill, fennel, carrots or parsley, lavender, thyme next to roses.
  2. Arrange wood ash in decorative pots in the rose garden.
  3. Set up decorative bird feeders on the site. They are a biological remedy for aphids on roses, as pests for birds are a real treat.
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Useful Tips:

  1. Do not be zealous with chemicals unnecessarily.
  2. Keep a balanced diet of plants. Aphids prefer to settle on weak or overfed roses.
  3. Loosen the soil regularly.
  4. Create a decorative layer of mulch - it will complicate the access of pests to roses.
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As you have seen, getting rid of aphids on roses can be done quite quickly with minimal effort and time. And preventive measures and proper care will allow you not only to be proud of the fruits of your work in the form of a well-groomed and beautiful house territory, but also to exclude the appearance of pests on your site.

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