DIY plywood cabinet
Comfort has long been an integral part of modern life. A number of different auxiliary tools serve to create the best conditions for the consumer. When moving to a new home, many encounter such a problem when the furniture purchased is simply not enough to store clothes. Obviously, this problem can be solved by purchasing a furniture cabinet in which all things can be folded. But, unfortunately, today's prices hit the budget very much, and when moving, many do not have an extra amount at all. But do not be upset, because this problem also found a solution - make a cabinet from plywood with your own hands. This approach will help to avoid unnecessary financial costs and give confidence in the quality of the product.
to contents ↑Sliding wardrobes - features of preparation
To create furniture of this type, many different materials are suitable. It is fortunate that the modern market provides the buyer with all the conditions in order to satisfy personal needs.
In order to make a sliding wardrobe of plywood with your own hands, you should first prepare.
I want to start right away with the fact that it is best to choose plywood, because, unlike classic boards, this material practically does not dry out. Such material will have a flat surface that does not have to be processed in any way for protection, which is not the case with ordinary wood.
Plywood guarantees you reliability, and the assembly will take place with great ease, even in the hands of a beginner.
Important! Sizes of sheets are different, ranging from 3 to 30 mm. It is very important that this is the best material if you or your family members are allergic.
Getting ready for development
Before assembling the cabinet from plywood with your own hands, you need to perform several actions:
- Before starting work, select the location of the furniture. Dimensions of the structure depend only on the selected position and your preferences. Draw an indicative drawing on which all dimensions will be applied.
- Then mark all the points on the parts where the joints will be. To simplify the work, you can use the numbering of the components with a pencil.
- Next, find all the tools and materials used that you may need during the work:
- A plywood sheet is best chosen at a size of three meters and a half, and its thickness should be at least 18 mm. If you decide to choose a thinner sheet, then you will have to fix using special corners of metal.
- Find wood moldings, some furniture bolts, hinges, door closers and regular screws.
- In the list of tools include the building level, a simple pencil or black marker, meter or tape measure, a hacksaw, a hammer, a jigsaw and a chisel.
- Looking at the drawing, cut out all the parts to assemble the structure. In this case, the most ordinary saw will help you cope. It is best to start with the manufacture of the frame, and only then take on the shelves. Before choosing the height of the cabinet, decide on the things that you are going to store in it.
Important! We recommend that you mark all the shelves, because the grooves will be used to secure them. Such measures are relevant, since this leaves the risk of making extra holes that spoil the surface of the product.
Determine the size of the groove based on the thickness of the selected plywood sheet. It is best cut immediately to the full size of the furniture.Mark the sides so that the marks align with the grooves.
to contents ↑Assembly process
If all the parts and tools are at hand, you can assemble a sliding wardrobe from plywood with your own hands:
- Fasten the vertical components to the side first. If in the future you need to disassemble furniture for transportation, then for connection it is best to give preference to furniture bolts. If the cabinet will never disassemble and move, then fix all the details on the finishing nails.
Important! Do not forget that at the beginning, holes of the corresponding diameter are made for installing bolts and screws. Without pre-made holes, installing screws into the structure is not recommended.
- Then prepare the back wall of the product for which you will need to use chipboard. Using the compiled drawing, resize and cut the back component. Fix the last one in the same way as all previous elements.
Final stage
If the miracle furniture is already finished, then you can safely take up the decoration of your product. You can find a huge amount of tools and tools for furniture decoration at any time. For storage shelves, you can choose a beautiful profile molding, which will definitely look creative. It is recommended to fix it on the same finishing nails. The cabinet itself can be covered with paint, which will give the wood structure an interesting appearance.
Also, instead of paint, you can use varnish:
- Before applying varnish to the finished furniture, treat it with a special stain and carefully grind the bumps.
- Before applying the paint, prime the product.
- If in the process you used furniture bolts, then hide them using special plugs, which will also bring a little beauty.
Helpful hints:
- As an additional element, you can use the legs. It will be very convenient if it is not just supports, but legs-wheels that allow you to freely move the product around the room.
- Also, with a great desire, you can equip the design with sliding doors, for which you only need to get a metal profile, through which the door will ride. The profile is fixed above and below. Doors are best cut from the same sheet of plywood that was used for your cabinet.
to contents ↑Important! Please note that shelves made in some cases can become an obstacle to closing doors.
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Creating a sliding wardrobe from plywood with your own hands is very simple. In fact, the only rule is to give reliability to your product. Any other “upgrade” is a merit of your imagination, which you should always listen to when it comes to creating furniture.