The best oils for facial skin
It turns out that most Tibetans look on average 20 years younger than their peers. And all thanks to the oils that they use in their daily lives. Beauticians have long taken them into service, because it is an environmentally friendly product that is obtained from natural raw materials (seeds and seeds). These healthy nutrients can saturate our hair and skin. And often, oils are several times superior in quality to luxury cosmetics. Therefore, it is time to adopt such a tool and determine the best oils for facial skin.
to contents ↑Essential oils
At the moment, there are more than three thousand different plants that are used in the production of essential oils. And the more complex the technology, the more expensive the final product is. On the shelves of shops and pharmacies you can see a huge variety of these products:
- Natural ether - they are extracted by steam distillation. This production method allows you to preserve in its original form all the healing properties of raw materials. Therefore, such tools cannot be cheap a priori, because a huge amount of raw material can go to a small amount of the final product. In addition, part of the work is done manually, but as you know - it is worth a lot.
- Oils similar in composition to natural oils are also obtained in laboratory conditions. In their composition only a part of natural raw materials. Therefore, the result is only a copy of a natural product that has an authentic smell, but does not convey all those useful properties for which natural esters are valued. There may still be a cosmetic effect, but there is no need to wait for a therapeutic effect.
- Synthetic oils, as the name implies, have little in common with a natural product. Often they contain an inexpensive solvent and flavor. From here the product gets a pungent odor, has no beneficial properties at all. Therefore, it is very cheap. Such perfumery products are often sold as essential, so the decision to buy them or not, knowing such a nuance, remains only for you.
Label Tips
Labels can tell you which oil is best for your skin. The main thing is to learn to understand them. In accordance with International Standards, the label should not contain advertising information, only product information, namely:
- The name of the plant from which the oil is made. It is indicated in the language of the country where it is sold, as well as in Latin. The Latin name is very important, since only it says what kind of plant the oil is made from.
- A self-respecting manufacturer will write on the label or box a brief instruction for use and a brief description of the properties of this oil, as well as a method for its production.
- The expiration date and lot number must be indicated on the label. Some oils have a very short shelf life, so pay attention to this important point.
- This product on the label has the following inscription “100% natural essential oil” or “100% essential oil”. There can be no others, as it should be according to international standards. If you saw the words “100% pure aromatic oil” or “for external use only” on the label, then this is synthetics.
Important! The rest of the inscriptions (100% essential oil, 100% pure, 100% aromatic, 100% concentrated) do not mean belonging to the class of aromatherapy drugs.
- If the label has an orange square with a black cross or it says “Only for external use” - this oil is not suitable for aromatherapy, it is synthetic! And of course, external use does not mean the possibility of using oil in the aroma lamp, from which you breathe vapor.
- The absence of a protective ring on the packaging that you open indicates that the oil is not closed tightly, which inadvertently warns and distrusts the manufacturer.
to contents ↑Important! Another important indicator of this product is the bottle in which the oil is located. This should be a container of tinted glass, which does not pass ultraviolet, and it is known to spoil the essential product. If you have a completely transparent bottle of oil, do not even think about buying. You have a fake in your hands.
Essential Oil Quality
High-quality natural oil is transparent, homogeneous, there is no precipitation in it. Evaporating, it does not leave stains on paper, as it completely disappears. Oil quality is determined as follows:
- Take three sheets of blank paper.
- First apply a drop of oil on one sheet, half an hour later drip on the second sheet, another half hour later on the third.
Now turn on your 100% sense of smell and smell the essential oil melody:
- The first sheet should give the lower tone of the product, balsamic shades
- The second sheet usually produces tart and sophisticated notes - this is the average tone.
- If you feel that all three sheets emit a smell, and very strong, but they are exactly the same, then you have acquired poor quality synthetics.
Base oils
Before answering the question of which oil is better for the skin, you need to understand that esters are almost never used in their pure form, but are mixed with the base - base oil. Base oils or carrier oils dissolve the esters, making them less concentrated and facilitate their penetration into the skin layers.
Important! Base oils are also an independent cosmetic product. They are used for daily care not only for the skin of the face, but also for the decollete, curls and nails.
Base oil in cosmetology is intended for several purposes:
- It perfectly softens and moisturizes. The composition applied to the skin saturates the upper layers of the epidermis with nutrients to the maximum, improving the skin and slowing down its aging.
- Base oil prepares the skin for nutrients. It loosens the upper horny layers of the skin, increases its permeability.
- The base improves the protective functions of the skin. Applying oils constantly, you reduce the likelihood of developing septic pathology. Your skin also improves its regenerative ability.
Important! Basically, the composition of fatty oils includes very valuable and useful substances:
- Caratinoids;
- Phytosterol;
- Squalene;
- Tocopherol;
- Linoleic acid.
All of them are necessary to maintain skin elasticity and normal metabolism. But it is worth remembering that in every type of oil, whether coconut, olive or shea butter, its own, completely unique composition, which is suitable only for a certain type of skin.
to contents ↑For dry skin
Intensive hydration is the key to good dry skin care. This type of feed is needed constantly. Oils not only enrich and saturate the skin, but also form a layer that avoids the rapid evaporation of moisture.
The following oils are excellent options for dry skin:
- peach;
- shi;
- Coconut
- avocado;
- sea buckthorn;
- jojoba;
- dogrose;
- almond
- cocoa.
Combined esters can be added to them:
- geranium;
- chamomile;
- jasmine;
- lavender.
For oily skin
For this type of skin, you need to select oils that have a drying or astringent effect.With the help of natural products, you can make the pores less noticeable and deeper, reduce the intensity of the production of sebum, which will eliminate the oily sheen. Also, oils will help to cope with such an unpleasant phenomenon as acne.
Oils are perfect for this:
- wheat germ;
- hazelnut;
- apricot;
- evening primrose;
- poppy seeds;
- sesame seeds;
- grape seed;
- hypericum.
Recommended esters:
- lemon;
- bergamot;
- grapefruit;
- Melissa;
- orange;
- neroli;
- tea tree;
- fir cones.
For normal skin
Normal skin type is quite rare. In this case, we can say that its owner was very lucky. Care is pretty standard. Such funds are needed to maintain the normal activity of the sebaceous glands - moisturizing and caring. Oils are ideal for this:
- jojoba;
- wheat germ;
- cranberry;
- olive;
- apricot;
- almond;
- sesame seeds;
- peach.
Enrich them better with the following esters:
- the Rose;
- jasmine;
- neroli;
- mint;
- ylang-ylang;
- rosemary;
- juniper.
Combination skin
Which oil is best for combination skin? Here you need care with the use of various ethers, which will work perfectly in the complex. I.e:
- For skin on the forehead, nose of the chin, herbal remedies for the oily type are suitable.
- For the area around the eyes, cheeks and temples, it is better to use products for dry skin.
Aging skin
Such skin requires special and thorough care. Over time, hormonal changes begin to occur in the body, and this, first of all, affects the skin - it begins to lose elasticity and freshness, dryness, sagging and peeling of the skin appear. The following vegetable oils are able to slow down age-related changes in the epidermis, prevent the occurrence of folds and small wrinkles, and smooth out them:
- Argan
- olive;
- green coffee;
- grape seed;
- shea;
- flaxseed;
- macadam;
- almond;
- corn.
Strengthen their action capable of esters;
- carrot seeds;
- incense;
- geranium;
- lavender;
- ylang-ylang;
- neroli;
- rosemary.
The best oils for facial skin will not have their effect if you do not know how to dose them correctly. As we already said, some of them are generally contraindicated to apply in pure form to the skin - you risk getting a burn. Therefore:
- The most optimal ratio is to take 2 drops of ether and 5 mg of the base.
- You can also use your daily cream as a base. Squeeze a small amount of cream into your palm and add a drop of oil.
Oil functionality
Essential oils, due to their unique properties, can not only solve skin problems, but also help your health in various cases. For example:
- Lavender oil, peppermint or ginger will save you from a headache. Dilute it with water and apply the mixture on the forehead, temples and the back of the neck.
- If you suffer from insomnia, then buy lavender, chamomile or sage oil. Add funds to the humidifier or take a bath, and you can fall asleep without turning from side to side for hours.
- Lavender, rose oil or vanilla will save you from stress. They are best used for aroma lamps.
- Thyme essential oil can even beat snoring. On a teaspoon of usually oil, add 3-5 drops of essential oil and rub this mixture into the feet.
- If you pour lemon eucalyptus oil into the spray bottle or add it to the aroma lamp, its smell will scare off the insects.
- Ear pain can be treated with tea tree oil. Mix it with the base core, rub it into the skin along the neck and behind the sore ear.
- Peppermint oil will help cope with dizziness. Put a few drops on a cotton pad or handkerchief and just breathe it.
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As you can see, essential oils are a real storehouse of useful substances for our body. The best oils for facial skin can be the perfect home cosmetics that can solve all problems.You can use natural products as well as enrich your daily cosmetics with them - creams and shampoos. As soon as you start using them, the skin on your face will be perfect and your hair will look healthy and shiny.
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