Which electrodes are best for the inverter?

Most often, the connection of metal products is carried out by the welding method using transformer or inverter units. For the operation of any of them, electrodes are needed. To achieve the perfect welding result, you need to know which electrodes are best for the inverter. This article is dedicated to this topic.

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What is invertor welding?

Devices such as welding inverters have long replaced the previously used transformer units. This is explained by the simplicity of operation, speed and quality of welding of any metal parts and structures. Typically, such devices are used for arc welding by melting.

Important! The use of an inverter guarantees the receipt of heavy-duty connection of metal parts due to a high-quality seam. This is possible due to the constant rate and stability of the welding current.

The inverter is capable of generating an alternating voltage when the current source is turned on. Also, other devices are involved in the welding operation:

  • Control system.
  • Filter and line rectifier.
  • High frequency transformer.
  • Frequency converter

The main tools for inverter welding are various types of electrodes. We will deal with them further.

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What are inverter welding electrodes?

These tools are electrically conductive rods of metal, they are needed to supply current to the welding zone.

Important! It is worth considering that different types of welding devices, even in the case of the same type, use different types of electrodes. Therefore, it is imperative to understand which electrodes are best cooked with an inverter of one type or another.

The main technical characteristics of inverter electrodes are:

  • Shaft length. It can range from 300 to 450 mm, and generally depends on the nature of the alloying of the electrode.
  • The diameter of the rod. May be equal to a value in the range of 1.6 mm to 5 mm.

Important! The thinnest electrodes with a diameter of 1.6 mm are made to order, since they are not as widespread as thicker ones.

  • The alloy or material from which the electrode is made.
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Electrodes for the inverter - how to choose?

Electrodes for welding are made of wire, which complies with State Standard of 1970 2246. According to this standard, all electrodes for inverter welding are divided into the following types:

  • Alloyed. Made of wire Sv-08GSMT, Sv-08KhZG2SM, Sv-10Kh5M, Sv-15GSTYuTS and others.
  • Carbon They are made of wire Sv-08GA, Sv-10G2, Sv-08AA, Sv-10GA, Sv-08, Sv-08A.
  • Highly alloyed. Made of wire Sv-30H15N35VZBZT, Sv-12H13, Sv-10H17T and others.

Important! A coating is applied to the surface of the electrode rod by crimping, which protects the weld pool from atmospheric influences and allows the arc to burn more stably.

All electrodes are divided into two groups:

  • Designed for welding critical metal structures.
  • Designed to connect conventional metal structures.
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Electrodes for the inverter.How to choose the right one depending on the material of construction?

When welding, it should be remembered that different electrodes are needed for different materials. So, how to choose the right electrode in the inverter?

  • High alloyed and stainless steel should be welded with TsL-11 rods, which are manufactured according to the standards 10052-75 and 9466-75.
  • Carbon steel is welded with electrodes made according to GOST 9466-75 and 9467-75. Suitable OZS-4, MR-3C, ANO-21, UONI-13/45.
  • Mild steel is best treated with rods with rutile and almenite coating. Suitable ANO-4 and ANO-6.
  • The most diverse grades of cast iron easily weld electrodes according to GOST 859-75. OZCH-2.
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Which electrodes are best for the inverter? Review of the best brands

To date, the following brands are the most popular:

  • SSSI-13/55. They are in great demand among experienced welders. Such rods allow you to make the perfect seam with optimal density even in conditions of low ambient temperature.

Important! The SSSI brand is considered quite “capricious”, so not every beginner will be able to work with it. It is better to use such electrodes, already having real welding experience.

  • MP-3. This brand is perhaps the most universal. Such electrodes allow you to weld rusty metal, as well as one that is covered with dirt or moisture.
  • ANO. The most bought brand of welding electrodes. They are ignited in the simplest way, without preliminary calcination, they carry out reliable and durable welding, even in the hands of a beginner.
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Where to buy good electrodes for the inverter?

All popular brands of welding rods can be easily found in specialized outlets. However, it is worth paying attention to the availability of epidemiological certificates, which give a guarantee for high-quality welding and safe use.

Important! Be sure to verify the authenticity of the purchased products, immediately check the quality certificate, manufacturer’s license, specify the details of packaging, transportation and storage of rods. This is the only way to be sure of the effectiveness of the application and the decent quality of the electrode.

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How to use inverter electrodes? Professional Tips

The welding process can not be called simple, so before you first start assembling the structure using an inverter, you should practice.

Important! Learn better with new electrodes. So you can better and faster understand the meaning of the work.

Here's what the process should look like:

  • Fasten the clamp to the part, insert the electrode into the holder.
  • According to the diameter of the steel bar, set the current.

Important! The welding current is selected based on the calculation of 20-30 A per 1 mm of the diameter of the rod. For an electrode with a diameter of 3 mm, a current of 80-110 A is set, depending on the thickness of the metal, the spatial position and the number of passes. However, the exact same settings in all cases do not exist. Each master selects his current parameters by trial and error.

  • To create an arc, you should install the electrode to the part at an angle of approximately 70 degrees.
  • Quickly slide the rod over the workpiece. In this case, you will see a sheaf of sparks and hear a characteristic sound.
  • Touch the part so that a gap of no more than 5 mm appears. At this time, an arc occurs, under the influence of which the metal begins to melt.

Important! It should be noted that at high currents a more fluid and less controllable weld pool is obtained.

  • Maintain clearance by moving the rod horizontally as it burns out.

Important! If sticking is observed during operation, this is a signal of a weak current exhibited on the device. It is necessary to increase the current strength on the unit to remove the sticky effect.

  • After the seam is completed, it is imperative to verify the quality of its execution. To do this, tap with a hammer at the weld site after it cools. Slag will crumble, revealing a clean, shiny seam.

Important! Modern inverter-type welding units can cook various surfaces using any type of electrode. This, in fact, is their high popularity. However, it is worth considering the fact that not all rods can equally cope with the task. And the use of electrodes, which are not recommended for inverter welding, can lead to serious violations of safety issues. Therefore, it is very important to understand the question of which electrodes are best for the inverter when welding a particular material.

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When buying rods in stores, make a choice based on the information provided in the article and listen to the recommendations of the seller. This will ensure you safe work and high-quality reliable seams.

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