How to make a frame out of paper?

Since ancient times, Nandmade crafts are in great demand. And they are valued much more expensive than ordinary factory stamped items. Recently, when decorating a room, designers are increasingly using creative, unusual details made by their own hands, and thus bring a special twist to the interior of the room. Surely, each of us will find many photos or favorite paintings that can be placed on the wall, but the usual factory frames or collages look rather boring and ordinary. In our article we will tell you how to make a frame out of paper for photography. Thus, you can easily diversify the dull interior with original decor.

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How to make a volumetric frame from paper?

Making a paper frame with your own hands is a snap. Neither expensive materials, nor a lot of time, nor special skills are required for this. There are many variations of such crafts. Next, we consider the most interesting and simplest options, but first we’ll figure out what it takes to make a frame for a picture with our own hands out of paper.

The main materials:

  1. Paper.
  2. A ruler not less than 30 cm long.
  3. Pencil.
  4. Scissors.

Production Sequence:

  • Our future framework consists of 4 parts that should be prepared initially.
  • From a sheet of paper, cut four strips 15 cm wide.

Important! The length of the strip depends on how long you want to make the frame. For example, a 10x15 frame consists of 2 strips 10 cm long and two 15 cm long.

  • On each of the prepared strips along the length we draw 4 strips 3 cm wide, so that we get 5 identical “tracks” in width.

Important! On each line drawn, draw a pair of scissors under the ruler. As a result of this, grooves form on the paper - these will be the fold lines.

  • Place two identical parts in such a way that the drawn lines are horizontal for you.
  • On both sides, along the first and second bottom of the drawn line, measure 3 cm and set points.
  • Next, connect the points with a vertical line.
  • Then from the planned points along the oblique draw a line to the edges of the workpiece. One oblique will reach the corner of the workpiece, and the second - until the beginning of the third from the bottom drawn line.
  • The resulting trapeze is cut with scissors.
  • You should get two pieces with smooth edges and two with curly ones.
  • We bend all the blanks along the drawn lines.
  • Glue PVA to glue the parts along the strips. As a result - you get 2 rectangular walls for the frame and 2 - with beveled edges.
  • Next, you need to connect all the details. The elements that came out of the curly blanks are the bottom and, accordingly, the top of the frame. Glued parts from rectangular patterns - side walls.
  • Alternately tightly insert the frame parts into each other so that there is no void between them, the corners of the frame are well lubricated with glue.
  • Leave the assembled product to dry on a flat surface.
  • On one side of the frame, cut the size of the cardboard and glue it on three sides. On the unsticked side, you can insert a photo.

Important! Such a frame is attached to the wall using double-sided tape.

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Cardboard frame

Do-it-yourself paper and cardboard picture frames are great for posting your favorite photographs or child's drawing. The frame is also suitable for creating a collage, as it has no volume and does not take up much space on a wall or other surface.

Important! Since the base will be made of cardboard, the size of the frame is limited by the size of the cardboard.

To make the frame you will need:

  1. Color cardboard - for the front side.
  2. Cardboard for the back of the frame.
  3. Scissors.
  4. PVA glue.
  5. Pencils, stickers or other decor.


  • Take a piece of cardboard designed for the front side of the product, cut a rectangle of any size.
  • In the center of the cut rectangle, cut another rectangle.

Important! The size of the second rectangular part should be smaller than the size of the photo you want to insert into the frame.

  • Decorate the main first detail with stickers, paint with pencils, and attach volumetric decor.
  • Now it’s the turn to make the back of our frame. To do this, take the second sheet of cardboard and cut a rectangle a little larger in size than the photo.
  • Glue PVA to glue the three sides of the prepared back to the main part.

Important! Leave one side not sealed, a photograph will be inserted through it.

  • Leave the glue and decor elements to dry in a horizontal position.
  • At the end, insert the image.

Your frame is ready!

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Glossy magazine page frame

Do you want to know how to make a 3D frame out of cardboard with your own hands? Such a work not only looks beautiful on the wall, but in an original, bright and unusual way it will complement the interior, whether it be a children's room or a living room. But the most important thing is that in order to do it, you don’t need to buy anything, all you need is an old glossy magazine and some auxiliary details that can be found in every home.

You will need:

  1. Cardboard for the base of the product.
  2. Journal.
  3. Sewing thread or pencil.
  4. PVA glue.
  5. Scissors.
  6. Ruler.
  7. A simple pencil.


  • Put in front of you a prepared cardboard sheet measuring 20x25 cm.
  • Measure 5 cm from the edge and draw a 15x20 rectangle.
  • Carefully cut the “window” with scissors.
  • Take a sheet of glossy magazine and twist it tightly. To fix the sheet in this position, use glue.

Important! As an alternative, you can use a simple pencil or ballpoint pen, wind the sheet onto the pen and fix it with glue.

  • With multi-colored threads, start wrapping the resulting tubes from the pages of the magazine.
  • The production of decorative tubes should continue until they are sufficient to fill the prepared frame.
  • Next - put our blanks on cardboard and bend at an angle of 90 degrees in the right places.
  • Lubricate one side with glue and glue to the base.
  • After the front side of the frame is ready, it's time to make a leg for our frame.
  • Cut a strip of 5-10 cm wide from cardboard, its length should be enough to make a leg.
  • Bend one edge of the strip at an angle of 90 degrees, bend the bent edge again at 90 degrees. Do this with the other end of the part.
  • Cut out two more strips of cardboard with a width of 5-7 cm - the length should overlap the cut rectangle for the photo.
  • Stick one strip at the top of the “window”, the second - from the bottom. The edge of each of them should protrude to the center of the hole for the photograph by 1.5-2 cm.
  • Glue the made leg to the upper strip.
  • Leave the frame to dry, then insert the desired photo into the frame.

Important! If the frame is located on the wall, the leg can not be done.

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Cloth trim

This method of finishing the frame is quite interesting and non-standard. The assortment of fabrics is the most diverse, respectively - you can make a frame in different themes, decorate with decorative ribbons and bows.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • Wooden frame.
  • PVA glue.
  • Piece of fabric.
  • Ruler.
  • Brush
  • Scissors.

Production Sequence:

  1. Lay out a piece of cloth in front of you, put a frame on top of it.
  2. On fabric towards the cut, measure out so much material as to cover the edges of the frame on the back and on the front side.
  3. Next, you need to cut a “window” in the middle of the fabric.
  4. Lay out the pattern on a flat surface, place your frame on top, cut it on the fabric from the corners of the square - you will get perfectly even corners.
  5. Glue PVA to process the front part of the wooden blank - carefully, so that there is no skew, attach the fabric. Do the same from the wrong side.
  6. Turn the frame over to the front side, make diagonal cuts from the center of the product.
  7. Glue the fabric and gently wrap the corners on the wrong side.
  8. Leave your work to dry.
  9. At the end, you can decorate the frame with ribbons, bows or other elements.
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Spring frame design

It is easy to fill the room with spring mood using the appropriate decor. Frames for drawings or photographs made in the spring theme are very delicate and beautiful.

You will need:

  1. Simple wooden frame.
  2. Artificial small flowers or cut out of colored paper.
  3. PVA glue or glue gun.

Preparation method:

  • First, separate the flowers from the inflorescence.

Important! Flowers for decoration should not be too big to get a voluminous composition.

  • Put the frame in front of you, with the help of PVA glue, begin to glue the frame with flowers.

Important! It is better to start pasting from the corner of the frame, gluing flowers tightly to each other.

  • Process the edge of the photo frame with lace or braid.
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How to make a photo frame with your own hands?

A large number of do-it-yourself paper frames located on the wall look very simple, and, let's say, not very beautiful. There are some very interesting options for placing all the photos in one large frame.

You will need:

  • One large frame made of wood or plastic about 40x50 in size.
  • Small carnations or push pins.
  • Harness or rope.
  • Ruler.
  • Colorful clothespins.

Work sequence:

  1. Vertically and horizontally frame measure the equal number of rows for photos.
  2. At the marked points, beat the cloves or insert the buttons.
  3. Pull the prepared rope.
  4. Place prepared photographs along the rope, fix them with clothespins.

Your custom frame is ready!

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DIY carousel

Next, we will talk about a rather interesting and extraordinary way to present photographs to the public. Making a frame for a picture with your own hands out of paper is quite simple, but such a product also looks rustic. In the frame-carousel, you can install not one, but several favorite photos, which will allow you to admire them every day, and the design will not get boring.

You will need:

  1. 10 old drives and 5 boxes from them.
  2. 10 photos reduced to a size of 12x17 cm.
  3. PVA glue.
  4. Ruler.
  5. Pencil.
  6. Double-sided tape or electrical tape.
  7. Stand for discs.
  8. For decoration - stickers, sparkles, paper or any other decor.

Assembly sequence:

  • Free the disc containers and place two photographs in them.

Important! If the photo is larger, trim them neatly with scissors.

  • Use double-sided tape or tape to connect the cassettes together so that they can be opened like a book.
  • Take the disc holder and lower the unwanted discs down, with the rainbow side up.
  • Next, put on the resulting flower from the photos.
  • You can also wear a disc to make the flower more attractive.

Your frame is ready!

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Ideas for updating old photo frames

If old plastic or wooden frames have already lost their former beauty, then do not rush to throw them into the trash can. It’s very easy to do it yourself.In this case, you need to show imagination, because you can use any color choice and decorative elements. Here are a few ideas for implementing this.

Option number 1

One of the interesting options that does not require too much effort.

You will need:

  • Unpainted wooden or MDF frame.
  • Acrylic paints.
  • Brush
  • Fabric for decoration.
  • Threads and buttons for decoration.
  • Scissors.


  1. Paint the prepared frame in two layers.
  2. Draw on the fabric, then cut out the elements to decorate the frame.
  3. Sew buttons in the center and decorate with colored threads.
  4. Use superglue to place decorative parts around the perimeter of the product.

Set a photo, your frame is ready!


Option number 2

Another very simple idea, using which you will get a very effective frame for the picture.

You will need:

  1. Finished wooden frame of a rectangular shape.
  2. PVA glue.
  3. Threads for knitting in different colors.
  4. Scissors.

Production Sequence:

  • Apply a small amount of PVA glue to the prepared frame.

Important! It is not necessary to immediately cover the entire workpiece with glue. While you are winding the threads, the glue has time to dry.

  • Tightly to each other, start winding the threads, alternating colors alternately.

Important! When switching one color to another, place the nodules on the back side.

  • Leave the threads to dry, at the end set the photo.
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Stock footage

As you can see, you can make photos or your favorite drawings not only in the usual monotonous, stamped shop frames. All that is needed is to connect your imagination and take some time. We hope our tips on how to make a frame for a picture with your own hands made of paper and other materials will help you create an unusual, bewitching collage from photographs that are expensive for you.

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