How to make a lily from napkins?

Self-made flowers create a cozy atmosphere in any home environment. Paper lilies look very original and unusual. These flowers can decorate the festive table, present an exquisite flower as a gift, or simply improve the appearance of the interior. In this article we will look at how to make a lily from napkins in different ways.

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Lily stand

Before you start creating from light material, you can pre-practice on thicker paper. We will analyze step by step how to fold a flower stand in the form of a lily:

  1. First you need to lay out a paper towel on the table.
  2. Now, in turn, we bend each corner of the workpiece to a central point and smooth the lines. The result should be a square that has a significantly smaller size.
  3. After that, you should turn the square over, in exactly the same way bend its edges.
  4. Now we proceed to the formation of the flower petals. To do this, holding the product in the center, raise each corner of the square, while bending the workpiece from the bottom.
  5. A solid object is capable of fixing the shape of the stand made, which can be placed in the center of the product. For this purpose, you can use a small glass, a coffee cup, a small saucer.
  6. The appearance of such a lily is more like a water lily. In order for it to have a much voluminous and bright appearance, you can put another napkin under it, but of a different color.

Important! With a combination of contrasting colors, you can achieve significant brightness and volume.

Such a flower is called royal. In addition, you can make a lily-lily or lily-stand.

Important! For a napkin, it is best to use a material on a tight basis, since such a choice allows the manufactured product to beautifully and correctly hold its shape.

The formation of the petals is the most difficult step. But when you manage to master this technique, you get a very effective decoration for the festive table. In order for the petals to perfectly keep their shape, it is necessary to iron all the lines, while you should not be afraid to mash the product, but you can safely bend the petals. After some time, as a result of repeated trainings, sleight of hand is developed, and you do not need to fold a flower carefully.

How to use the stand?

  • In the folded lily, you can put small rolls, cakes and cookies on a small saucer.
  • In such colors made, vases with oranges, apples and tangerines look quite original.
  • Also in the center of the composition you can put a glass, goblet or glass.
    In the summer, you can put fresh flowers in a self-made napkin. This composition creates a festive mood and looks very impressive and original.

Important! When you have fresh flowers in a vase, you must ensure that midges and aphids do not settle in them. In order to avoid such a problem, living plants can be successfully replaced with artificial products, or some other jewelry that is selected based on your preferences.

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French lily from napkins

You can make a lily of paper napkins in a completely different style.Such an originally designed flower is called a French lily.

Important! Such a product looks great at a festive table on a plate, which allows you to give the table setting a sophisticated and stylish look. The interior of the living room at the same time emphasizes the coziness and comfort of the environment.

How to make a French lily from a napkin:

  • The unfolded napkin must first be folded diagonally.

Important! Sometimes a situation may arise when paper napkins have a shape different from the square. In order to get the perfect square, it is necessary to curl the workpiece diagonally and, using scissors, trim the edges.

  • After that, you need to lift up the two lower ends of the product. In this case, it is not necessary to bend them in the middle.
  • A new square has formed. Now you need to bend the lower end of the newly formed square.

Important! If there are problems when connecting the corners, then they can be fixed with a color clip. When the desired shape is achieved, the paper clip is removed. You can also use special napkin clips. They are used to preserve the shape of napkins and, at the same time, serve as an original decoration.

  • Next, you need to bend the raised tip in half, lowering it while down.
  • Then you need to roll the napkin into a cylindrical shape.
  • After that, you should carefully smooth the upper tips of the manufactured mold.
  • Lily petals can be left open or bent down.

The French napkin is ready! If you carefully study the manufacturing scheme of French lilies, then there is nothing complicated in this technique. After you have mastered this technique, you can easily produce two, or even three flowers in one minute.

Important! If you use paper of smaller size in the manufacture of lilies, then the created flower will look much nicer and more attractive.

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Lily in a glass

The composition looks quite original and simple when a white napkin fills the interior of the glass. For this, the workpiece must be bent in the shape of a triangle and then folded with an accordion. A glass is a fixative for the paper or fabric used. Such a created composition looks like a real lily that came off the royal flag.

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Combination of several napkins

If a big holiday is planned, then napkins are usually exposed in a stack in the middle or on the edge of the table. Having shown extraordinary imagination and applying creative ideas, you can present a more original presentation of this product.

How to make a lily from several napkins:

  • You can fold napkins in the form of triangles and put them all together so that a large flower forms.
  • Very interesting will be the option in which several French lilies are used, which are inserted one into the other.
  • From napkins having different sizes, you can create royal lilies, and then connect them together. The method of supplying these products is limited only by your imagination.

Important! Only impeccably clean wipes, on which there are no traces of fat or any other stains, should be used.

The color scheme should be chosen to the shade of the tablecloth, or you can choose the color of the cutlery:

  • Snow-white napkins are an ideal solution for any holiday and are suitable for all color schemes of a festive table, without exception.
  • For evening tea drinking, you can use bright accent blanks having a small size.

If you have not previously served a festive table, then applying this technique once, you will continue to create beautiful shapes of flowers.

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Lily for interior decoration

Such a self-made lily can be presented to any celebration or decorate the living room interior with such flowers.To create such a product does not require any special skills, but rather carefully study the manufacturing recommendations and repeat the steps described in them.


To create one lily, you will need to make from 9 to 15 petals. For the process of creativity, you can use both snow-white napkins and blanks with different colors. In our case, we use pink napkins.

Consider the instructions for folding the petals of a lily:

  1. First, you need to cut the napkin into four identical parts, after which each of them is folded in half.
  2. Now you should expand the workpiece vertically.
  3. Put the skewer in the lower corner and screw the product very carefully onto it to a distance approximately corresponding to the middle of the napkin.
  4. Next, we need to move our future product towards the middle right on the skewer. Then take out the skewer very carefully.
  5. After that, exactly the same procedure must be applied for the opposite corner of the form.
  6. At the end of our work, we need to twist the upper part of the product and arrange the petal itself.


Now we turn to the process of creating stamens, for this you need to prepare a yellow napkin. How to make stamens for lilies from a napkin:

  1. The yellow napkin needs to be divided in half and bent.
  2. Next, cuts should be made, the distance between which corresponds to one centimeter. The cuts should not reach the edge of about 1.5-1.7 cm.
  3. Then you need to twist the resulting strips.
  4. Now we need to prepare the semolina, which should be poured into a container of small volume. If desired, you can use an oil pencil and crumble it into semolina.
  5. After that, the made stamens must be lowered first into the prepared glue, and then into the semolina. This procedure should be carried out with all stamens.
  6. When the glue dries, it is necessary to very carefully wind the made stamens onto the skewer. In this case, the edges of the workpiece must be pre-lubricated with glue.


Flower assembly

In order to collect the flower, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. First of all, you need to attach the first petal to the skewer with stamens.
  2. After that, you need to carefully press its lower edge so that the petal completely envelops the skewer.
  3. The second petal must be attached exactly opposite the first.
  4. In exactly the same way, the following two petals should be attached, and they should be located exactly opposite one relative to the other.
  5. Now the remaining petals are left to be staggered.

Stem and leaves

With a green tape or a narrow strip cut out of a green napkin, you need to wrap around the lower segment of our product and around the skewer, which in our case is the stem of a flower.

To make leaves, you need to use the exact same way as when creating the petals:

  1. To make leaves you need to use a wide part of the napkin.
  2. Then, using the skewer, it is necessary to twist the edges of the workpiece on both sides.
  3. Now you need to draw a leaf by compressing the bottom of the napkin in the middle.
  4. After you have created the required number of leaves, they must be fixed on the stem of our future product.

Lily is ready! You can decorate the interior with our product.

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How to make lily flowers from napkins?

A napkin folded in the shape of a lily bud can give the table setting a refined touch.

Method number 1

Just a few recommendations, and in your hands there is a sophisticated royal bud that can decorate any celebration:

  1. The inside out should be laid out a napkin.
  2. By connecting two opposite corners, you need to fold a napkin in the shape of a triangle.
  3. Now the lower corners need to be collapsed to the top so that a rhombus is obtained.
  4. After that, until the middle of the rhombus, it is necessary to recline the two corners that are at the top.
  5. Next, you need to fold the remaining angle so that a fold forms in the middle.
  6. Then wrap the bottom corner of the product back.
  7. At the end, the figure needs to be folded into a circle, while the corners should be hidden in the “pockets”.

The bud is ready!

Method number 2

How to make a lily from napkins:

  1. We lay out the napkin on a horizontal surface and fold it twice upward from ourselves.
  2. Next, we again fold the workpiece in half.
  3. Then we fold the side parts of the product in the form of two identical squares.
  4. The angles located at the bottom of our squares are folded up so that an isosceles triangle is obtained.
  5. We turn the resulting workpiece down so that the front of the figure touches the working surface of the table.
  6. We turn the two corners located at the top to the center so that these corners are formed at the bottom top and a diamond forms.
  7. Next - holding the figure by the lower part, you need to carefully advance the layers of napkins step by step to form a bud of petals.
  8. Then the corners should be tucked into the formed “pockets” of our figure.
  9. We straighten the corners of the “petals", and the bud is ready.

Method number 3

Consider how to add a simple origami lily from napkins:

  1. Expand the multilayer napkin.
  2. To the center of the workpiece we collect all the corners.
  3. Turn the product from top to bottom.
  4. In the resulting figure, we again collect all the corners to the center.
  5. Holding the central part with your finger, you need to carefully pull the four corners in turn outward.
  6. In this way, a lotus-like bud is formed.
  7. Let's try to add a small touch to our flower, decorating it with petals. To do this, at the bottom of the figure, the remaining four corners, which tend to the center, should be carefully pulled out.

Lily-shaped flower is ready!

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Now you are convinced that there is no limit to creativity. In this article, we gave you many interesting ideas so that you can make an original lily from napkins for decoration for any occasion.

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