How to clean the toilet bowl inside?
It’s no secret that the toilet bowl and the flushing tank get dirty quite quickly - both outside and inside. In order for them to retain their shine for as long as possible, care should be taken in a quality and timely manner. This applies not only to the aesthetic side, but also to necessity from the point of view of the basic principles of hygiene and health. Today there are many different means for cleaning the toilet: pastes, tablets, gels, liquids - all of them help housewives maintain the perfect cleanliness of the bathrooms. In this article, we will describe in detail how to clean the toilet tank inside so that it continues to function smoothly.
to contents ↑How to open a drain tank?
Before you clean the drain tank yourself, you must first open it. To do this, turn off the water and press the drain button to empty the tank.
Opening method depends on the model of your drain device:
- In some models, it is enough to simply raise the lid of the tank with your hands and set it aside.
- But sometimes there are models in which the cover is screwed to the drain mechanism. In this case, you need to unscrew the mount by pressing on the chrome ring that is located around the drain button.
- In containers made of plastic, the lid can be mounted on the sides. In this case, use a screwdriver to unscrew the side mounts.
- The most difficult things are with the tanks, which are hidden behind the toilet with a false panel or mounted in a wall. If during installation the inspection hole was not made, then you will not be able to look inside.
The causes of plaque and its harm
Lime deposits on the inside of the tank appear due to the large amount of mineral salts that are in the water. Most contribute to the formation of plaque salts of magnesium and calcium, as well as iron, which gets from old water pipes.
Especially fast deposits appear if the drain tank is earthenware, with a porous, slightly rough surface inside. In this case, the impurities are easier to fix on the walls, and subsequently it is more difficult to remove them.
Important! The harder the water, the faster the tank will become hard coated. In addition to salts, other impurities settle at the bottom. If the lid of the tank is not tightly closed, and dust can penetrate inside, sometimes the walls begin to bloom, bacteria and mold multiply.
If you do not clean the walls of the tank from the inside in time, then particles of limescale can penetrate under the drain channel, which closes the drain hole. As a result, the valve will not fit snugly and water will begin to leak.
to contents ↑Important! The formation of plaque in the toilet flush mechanism often becomes the cause of its breakdown. The float lever or some other moving element may stop working, and the retainer gasket may also fail. In such cases, it will be necessary to repair or even replace the entire drain system.
Types of Cleaning Products
Today, in the markets or in stores, a huge assortment of all kinds of cleaning products is presented, with which you can effectively clean the toilet bowl. It can be means of such brands as:
- "White";
- “Domestos”;
- “Bref”;
- "Wedge".
Abrasive products
This category of cleaning products includes powders and pastes, which act due to their abrasive properties.
Working with them is very simple:
- First you need to remove water from the toilet, as we described above.
- Then apply the paste on a sponge or a damp cloth, which thoroughly wipe the inner surface until clean.
Important! Abrasive folk methods include soda. With some effort, it even wipes off heavy dirt well.
The cleaning process always lasts quite a while.
Important! Do not forget that any abrasive damages the surface of the tank, leaving small scratches on it.
Almost all modern cleaning products contain alkali - it perfectly copes with plaque and rust on the toilet bowl.
Important! In order to work with such tools, it is necessary to protect your hands with gloves, because they can adversely affect human skin.
Mode of application:
- Drain all water from the toilet and use a rag or sponge to distribute the product inside the entire surface of the tank.
- Leave it on for 20 minutes for the remedy to work.
- Then wash the surface thoroughly to remove any dirt.
- If your actions did not bring the desired result, then repeat the manipulation several times.
Important! With this option, cleaning the walls of the toilet bowl will not become rough, and the cleaning process is not as long and complicated as in the previous case.
Means that contain acid
Here we will focus on solutions of various acids. For example, Silit is based on hydrochloric acid or dry oxalic acid.
In this case, the cleaning process differs little from the previous version with alkali.
Important! Gloves should also be used here, because chemicals very dry the skin and cause pain in places of abrasions and cuts.
Acids are considered more effective in controlling pollution of toilet bowl tanks, as they can clean even the thickest and toughest lime deposits.
to contents ↑Folk methods
If you do not have the opportunity to buy any means for cleaning the toilet bowl, then you can resort to alternative methods, here are some of them:
- Battery electrolyte is a means for all motorists. It is great for cleaning toilet bowls.
- Vinegar is an affordable and well-known product that can cope with a hard coating not worse than the most “fierce” alkali.
- Citric acid - this tool can be found in the kitchen of any hostess.
- Toothpaste - suitable in cases where the tank is not too running. You should puncture the tube and immerse it in water. These actions will help to clean the tank and fill the bathroom with a pleasant smell.
- “Coca-Cola” - it ideally “eats” pollution in a short period of time.
Stock footage
Remember that it is better to systematically and timely look after the toilet tanks than to rush around in search of good tools that can remove a hard, obsolete raid.
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